Adaptation Based on Generalized Discrepancy


Unlike many previously proposed solutions for domain adaptation, our algorithm does not consist of a fixed reweighting of the losses over the training sample. Instead, the reweighting depends on the hypothesis sought. The algorithm is derived from a less conservative notion of discrepancy than the DM algorithm called generalized discrepancy.

In addition to performing linear classification, SVMs can efficiently perform a non-linear classification using what is called the kernel trick, implicitly mapping their inputs into high-dimensional feature spaces.

When data are not labeled, supervised learning is not possible, and an unsupervised learning approach is required, which attempts to find natural clustering of the data to groups, and then map new data to these formed groups. The clustering algorithm which provides an improvement to the support vector machines is called support vector clustering[2] and is often used in industrial applications either when data is not labeled or when only some data is labeled as a preprocessing for a classification pass.

reference articles

Adaptation Based on Generalized Discrepancy